Grand Staff (Treble Clef & Bass Clef) Lines & Spaces Letter Names...
Treble (top) & Bass (bottom) are the most common clefs and combine to make the grand staff. You can see that the musical alphabet is 7 letters (A, B, C, D, E, F, G) repeated alphabetically over and over. The Treble and Bass Clefs meet in the middle...middle C. Notes above and below the staff are on "ledger" lines.
Mnemonic devices:
Treble Clef Spaces: FACE in the SPACE
Treble Clef Lines: Every Good Boy Does Fine (on the LINE)
Bass Clef Spaces: All Cows Eat Grass / ACE G
Bass Clef Lines: Great Big Dogs Fight Animals / Great Big Dogs From Alaska
Mnemonic devices to help memorize the letter names of the lines & spaces:
Treble Clef Letters (Middle C to top line F)
Bass Clef Letters (Bottom line G to Middle C above the staff)
Grand Staff Letters with helpers...
Grand Staff Letters without helpers...
Sharps, Flats, & Naturals: